Prototypes, User Testing & MVP

User Feedback without Development

Using Adobe XD Prototypes during the design process, I was able to quickly identify v1 functionality for MyStaffing Schedule - an in-home healthcare scheduling application - with one-on-one user testing, to determine the application’s MVP.

Project Overview

Releasing a new application is tough; you have no user data, lots of business requirements, and a user base that was ready for the application yesterday. Using Adobe XD’s prototyping tools to preform user testing, I was able to quickly identify minimum functionality for maximum user adoption while validating the application’s usability through prototypes of varying scale. Best of all, no developer time was required, allowing them to stay focused on other tasks.

User Testing

During user testing, I sat one-on-one with users as they navigated prototypes on an iPhone X and asked them to perform varying tasks within the application. Tasks included identifying shift types, navigating to individual days, and locating shift information across a 4-month time period

Round 1: Full Calendar Prototype

Users were handed an end-to-end calendar application that included multiple views - month, two-week, day and list - and individual shift pages with all the shift information.

Interactive Prototype

Round 2: Minimal Calendar Prototype

Users were handed a stripped down version of a calendar application that truncated shifts into a monthly list view. There was no calendar UI and shift cards expanded on click to revel shift information.

Interactive Prototype

Round 2: Minimal Calendar Prototype

Users were handed a stripped down version of a calendar application that truncated shifts into a monthly list view. There was no calendar UI and shift cards expanded on click to revel shift information.

Interactive Prototype

Observed Patterns & Behaviors

  • Users had their preferred view and generally stuck with that view while navigating the application; Month & Two-Week view were the most popular with minimal interest in Day view
  • Shift pages were an extra step most users did not want to take; preferred all shift information in expanding/collapsing cards
  • Maps/directions were preferred to be opened in the user’s application of choice (Google Maps vs Apple Maps); linked address would be more beneficial
  • Colored cards were desired over white cards; shift status badges tested better than icons
  • Feedback to add expand/collapse all shift cards at once functionality

Final v1 Deliverable

Using the observed patterns and behaviors, I was able to determine minimal application functionality for MyStaffing Schedule v1 and created the final deliverables for development. The final design was a paired down monthly view with expandable shift cards and calendar UI. Two-Week view would be considered as a future enhancement and prioritized based on user feedback and business needs.

Interactive Prototype